Her daring act in Murder made her a star but Bollywood bombshell Mallika Sherawat says she is "OK" about being replaced in the sequel."I have no regrets about not doing Murder 2. I am perfectly OK with whatever decision has been taken," Mallika said, who was once keen on being in
the sequel.
Mallika has been replaced by Jacqueline Fernandes as the female lead of Murder 2. The actor also said that she was not perturbed by the failure of her recent film Hisss, at the box office. "Hisss appealed to young audience. It was meant for the youth…But it is OK. I have Dhamaal 2 coming, and two more films that will be announced soon,” Mallika said.
The actor is now making her debut on TV with the dance reality show, Chak Dhoom Dhoom. Asked if she felt pressurised as an actor, Mallika said, "I take competition as a healthy thing as it keeps you on your toes. Otherwise actors are lazy."
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