Bollywood actress Aamir Khan is a kind of chairman who keeps his words. Last month, he betrothed which he would organize a special marriage accepting for his nephew Imran Khan as well as Avantika Malik. Now, he has motionless to chuck a celebration for a newly-wedded integrate upon Feb 5.
It is pronounced which Aamir as well as his mother Kiran have been hosting a large marriage accepting for a newly-weds this week finish during a Bandra road house poolside. Sources pronounced which they have been mouth-watering most large names in Bollywood, politics, commercial operation as well as sports. Big personalities similar to Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, The Ambanis, The Birlas, Sachin Tendulkar as well as multiform others have been pronounced to be in a guest list.
Imran as well as Avantika scored equally a tangle by a beach in Phuket, Thailand, upon Jan 10. Aamir had afterwards voiced which he would by a large celebration for a newlyweds by a finish of a month.
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