Salman Khan has grabbed a complete Indian film industry’s courtesy after he called for a anathema to a word ‘Bollywood’, that is used to refer to the Hindi film industry, a word that is an fabrication of Hollywood used to discuss a American film industry. Not only Bollywood, a South Indian film industries have been called Kollywood, Tollywood, Mollywood as well as Sandalwood, all assumingly subsequent from Hollywood as well as Bollywood. Hollywood by itself has zero to do with movies, solely that Hollywood, a post in Los Angeles, was where a early film studios were housed.
The initial discuss of a word ‘wood’ with a film attention in India,was Tollywood, a Bengali film attention formed in Tollygunge. After a Bombay film attention overtook a Bengali reflection in a 70s, they as well followed fit as well as coined a word Bollywood, that was a mix of a word Bombay as well as wood. The alternative film industries in India followed a fixing use by coining a word with a place or denunciation they were operative with. Salman has additionally referred to a use of the word Hi-Fi (Hindi Films) to imply a Hindi film industry. Salman’s comments perceived an contentment of certain responses from his colleagues as well as fans. We hold a same call will follow in South Indian film circles.
‘Wood’ declared film industries
Bulawood: Fijian film industry
Chollywood: Peruvian film industry
Dhaliwood: Bangladeshi film industry
Hollywood North: Canadian film industry
Kariwood: Pakistani film industry
Kollywood Nepal: Nepali film industry
Nollywood: Nigerian film industry
Pollywood: Pashto denunciation film attention
Sollywood: Sindhi denunciation film industry
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