The Shiney Ahuja outcome has left Bollywood's jaws dropped. The 37-year-old actor, who was indicted of raping his househelp in Jun 2009, has been convicted by a Mumbai sessions justice as well as condemned to 7 years in jail. The attention is nonetheless to come to conditions with a verdict.
"The Shiney we know
is unequivocally different. It saddens me to see such a means immature hold up squandered at a back of bars, quite when a plant had cold all charges. Abhishek Kasliwal (also indicted of rape) got divided scot giveaway upon a same iniquitous charge. The cost we compensate for being famous, we guess," says filmmaker Pritish Nandy.
Film censor Taran Adarsh says, "The headlines has repelled a total industry. His career has been influenced over repair." Jahnu Baruah, executive of Harr Pal, for which Ahuja was sharpened prior to a case, says, "It is unequivocally unfortunate. But, there have been aloft courts where he can interest … let's see what happens."
Some others consider differently. "His High Court interest competence infer to be a china lining, though a outcome has done it transparent which no make a difference how strong we are, we can't get away," says filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. Ahuja has 3 low-budget drive-in theatre watchful for recover — Pritish Nandy's The Accident, Tito Singh's Harr Pal and Pooja Bedi's Shunya.
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