Most index pages, repository pages in WordPress arrangement excerpts of 55 words. How can we change, or digest mention length (or even enlarge it) easily.
If we demeanour inside your WordPress thesis index.php or archive.php, we will find this mention tab entrance underneath a post title, that displays post mention in a front page or archives, difficulty pages.
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
It will arrangement 55 difference by default as well as afterwards finish during once with [...]. So how can we shift mention length?
Change mention length in WordPress
Edit your thesis functions record functions.php as well as supplement a following formula during a bottom just on top of a final line of a code ?>
function new_excerpt_length($length) { return 20; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');
Remember to place it only on top of a final line of a formula ?>
or your functions.php record might turn unusable. Change a twenty as well as operate as well as series to mention a difference we wish to arrangement in excerpts.
Its a great thought to backup your themes record prior to modifying it, as any blunder will give vital WordPress thesis errors. And afterwards we would have to FTP your site, as well as revive a functions.php to a prior one.
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