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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fastest Way to Export Contacts from Blackberry to Android Smartphone

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How can you trade / send your Blackberry contacts to an Android phone easily. you paid for a latest Samsung Ace Android smartphone as well as motionless to send contacts from my Blackberry Curve mobile phone, though it was not so easy.

Phone to SIM memory

How you eliminated contacts final time? you suspicion you would send all contacts from phone mental recall to a SIM card, as well as simply put in a SIM label in a Andorid as well as all contacts would come live. But all my contacts were stored upon a Blackberry phone as well as there seemed no easy approach to send contacts from phone to SIM similar to my prior Sony Erricson phone.

The pick referred to by tech await was to operate a PC Blackberry mechanism software, as well as sync a contacts. Then you could trade a contacts to a Android program upon a mechanism as well as as well as afterwards a Android phone continuous to a mechanism would import contacts…. though which was as well most to do.

Google Sync

Then you commissioned Google sync upon a Blackberry by upon vacation you downloaded a app as well as synced a Blackberry contacts to my Google Account. Then it was easy.

On a Samsung Ace Android Gmail app, you simply sealed in to my Google comment as well as it alien all my contacts in minutes. you had to implement no software, not backup anything to a SIM, as well as Google Sync took caring of everything.

Save Contacts to Google – Now when a Android phone asks me where to save a latest hit – you dont save latest contacts upon Phone mental recall or SIM memory, though without delay to Google…. which approach even if you remove my phone, all my contacts have been safely stored as well as easy to a latest phone in minutes. Try Google Sync today.

Original article: Fastest Way to Export Contacts from Blackberry to Android Smartphone

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